Read. Learn. Grow.

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Regular readers know how I feel about feeding your curiosity.

I'm in Rebellious Reader

I’ve written blog posts about it, and I added “Feed Your Curiosity” segments into my new book. Being a Learning Rebel depends on you being innately curious about everything around you. You just never know what is going to spark the imagination giving you a tremendous idea for lifting learning an extra notch.

To take a quote from a recent post

[ctt title=”As L&D professionals, we should be insanely, innately, ravenously curious about our industry.” tweet=”As L&D professionals, we should be insanely, innately, ravenously curious about our industry. via @stipton” coverup=”6fzjw”]

Those who are subscribers to the Rebellion newsletter recently participated in a survey asking them what they want to learn. (Yep, I take my own medicine. I ask people what they want to learn and what they want to know.) Majority of recipients told me they want more book reviews, website recommendations and guidance on tools.  I can do that.

Reading the results made me happy.

Why, you ask? Because it told me, there are Rebels in our midst. Rebels who want to learn, explore and grow. I know you do too.  In order to do so, we must take learning into our own hands. By going forth to discover bold new worlds. Sure, the nuggets of wisdom that are gathered from twitter and feed into our feedly accounts matter. Getting our knowledge in bite-sized chunks is critical to growth. We need more consumable and digestible learning nuggets.  Now, some people are happy receiving all their information in that way. Others prefer a longer read with exploration and deep thought. One where they can reflect and process as they go along. Yet, others prefer a combination of both.

Personally, I fall into the latter category and I suspect most of you are with me. Then I had an epiphany. I was “catching up” on some blog reading and I found myself wanting more. I found I was craving the book. So, I found the book. Excellent. Then as I read the concepts, I found I appreciated the action items listed at the end of the chapters. A lot smart authors include such nuggets. Julian Stodd does so with his books, Jane Bozarth’s last book “Show Your Work” is loaded with actionable examples as is Austin Kleon’s (most excellent) book by the same name “Show Your Work”.

I want to be more active in my learning, and for me that means being able to take the information and synthesize it. I suppose as one gets older one begins to realize that time goes by whip-fast and while I appreciate books that require deep thought, I find I want those that provide me with actionable information. Enter the idea of Rebellious Readers. When I find something great – I want to share and not only do I want to share but I want to work with others to find the action items that allow us to embed knowledge and work better.

Read. Learn. Grow. Together.

Rebellious Reader

Learning Rebels is opening up a “Rebellious Readers” group.

Don’t stop reading! Hang with me.

This won’t be your standard, yawn inducing book club.

Here’s how it works. Every 8 – 12 weeks (give or take) we’ll introduce a new book. You’ll receive an email. This email will direct you to the “Rebellious Reader” page (so far, standard SOP) – here is where things go a bit off pavement. Rather than tackle chapters, “Share your thoughts on chapter 2” BORE-RING. We’ll dig in and find concepts to execute. Making the book concepts come to life. It may take us a few chapters to reflect and develop those ideas and take action, but that is where the rubber meets the road. Right? Work out loud, show your work, all that good stuff.

We will also be conducting our discussions a bit differently too – making use of our 21st century technology. Live discussions via Blab and Periscope (sign up for your accounts now, believe me they are addicting!) and a ongoing conversation via our own Facebook group. Because here’s the thing about reading, most generally you want to share the goodness right then, not wait for the next club meeting. Plus, there side benefit of your participation –  learning a new way to promote reading. If this concept works for you, take it to your business! 

If you are a member of the Rebellion (and YAY, you!), you have received an announcement/invitation by now to update your profile. No? Check your spam and then check your settings to be sure the Rebellion doesn’t continue to get swept up.

If you’re not, you can sign up here or wait a bit for the pop up to invade your space.

I need your input. I’m also looking for books to share. Add your book(s) to this list and if your book is chosen – you will get some rocking Learning Rebel SWAG. Sweet. If you are an author of a fab book, and want to help our efforts – reach me here, let’s talk.

So who’s with me? Do NOT say you don’t have time. We have to make the time, Rebels make the time. Ever not have time to fill up your car with gas? We know how that ends…right? You don’t want your tank to run out of gas.  Let’s have a bit of fun, learn a lot, and grow our knowledge and our profession. Together.



I'm in Rebellious Reader

Have additional ideas on creative ways to conduct our new group? Share them below. 

Shannon Tipton

Shannon Tipton

As Owner of Learning Rebels, Shannon Tipton is a skilled learning strategist, content developer and International speaker. Shannon has over 20 years of leadership experience developing successful learning strategies and infrastructures for training departments within organizations in North America, Europe and Korea.

Shannon works with people and organizations to develop learning solutions that brings actual business results. Recognized as bringing real-world expertise into the learning field, Shannon integrates technologies and social learning tools to strengthen workplace alignment, enhance collaboration and increase learning connectivity.

As author of “Disruptive Learning” Shannon frequently speaking at conferences across North America and Europe and ranks as one of the top 100 L&D influencers on Twitter (@stipton).

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