30 Day Brainstorm Challenge: In Sickness and in Health!

Challenge day 1

Here we are. Day 1 of the 30 Day Brainstorm Challenge. 


And, I’m sick. Can you believe it? Sick. Part of my brain said, can we start this challenge tomorrow? You know, when water isn’t a scary thought? Well, you can see which side of my brain won the battle today.

But there is a lesson to be learned here. It’s funny how we find the time and energy to do the things we feel are important or that we consider fun, therefore here I am. So thus, this becomes my a-ha moment of the morning. It’s easy to find a reason not to do something. Especially if that thing is tedious and boring. But I am personally looking forward to this challenge – can I complete 30 days? Will I have 30 A-Ha moments to fill the pages or talk about? EEK – scary. However, I know that if I set my mind to it, this challenge can be done – because I want to do it, because I’ll learn something from myself and all of you. I’m feeling better already.  (Review original introduction post here)

Beating me to the punch!

Two ladies beat me to the punch by posting yesterday and I was really inspired by them both. So I have a couple of additional A-Ha’s for a this Monday morning when the brain cells aren’t quite working.

First – Michelle Ockers (Australia) decide on a “Day -1” video post. She has decided to try vlogging as her challenge medium (Go Michelle). She brings up a point that I have thought about a few times since hitting a big birthday with a BIG zero behind it a couple of years ago. I seriously thought, gee – am I closer to death than birth at this moment? (Downer, right?) Anyway, I let the negative thoughts roll down and off my back and looked forward to bright future, with a new business, new friends, and pretty much a new life. I’m glad Michelle reminded me of those thoughts. Life is exciting right now. At the risk of being presented as a “Pollyanna”, I want to try to see the good out in the world. So my A-ha here? Take off the negative filter. Delete the “yeah, but…” from your vocabulary. Carefully filter and react to the negative stuff on TV, the radio, the internet, your Facebook page. You can take control of what you hear and read. For every bad news story, my plan is to find something uplifting to create balance. We all need more balance.  Thank you Michelle.

Secondly – Kritisch Creatief (Netherlands) posted her challenge based on a link I posted on the Learning Rebels Facebook page. This was from Fast Company – 5 Ways to be Inspired by Your Everyday Life. She broke down each of the 5 ways and added her spin. I had originally posted this as a way for all of us to start thinking with the creative side of our brains. What I took away from her musings was that I still need to work on balance. Not work life balance – but creative balance. I firmly believe we have to give ourselves permission to be stop and be creative. Too often when we take creative time, we think about time wasted. Not time to be cherished. I suppose this is another purpose of the Brainstorm Challenge. To take time to carve out those creative moments, find the inspiration and challenge yourself TO DO something with them.

What a great first day! 


What have you found today that inspired you? What was your A-Ha moment of the day?

Post in the comment section below or post your link to twitter (remember to ping @stipton) or post to the Learning Rebels Facebook page.

Now, those of you who are going to be vlogging or doing a photo journal, simply paste your link within the comments for each of the 30 Day Challenges.

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Shannon Tipton

Shannon Tipton

As Owner of Learning Rebels, Shannon Tipton is a skilled learning strategist, content developer and International speaker. Shannon has over 20 years of leadership experience developing successful learning strategies and infrastructures for training departments within organizations in North America, Europe and Korea.

Shannon works with people and organizations to develop learning solutions that brings actual business results. Recognized as bringing real-world expertise into the learning field, Shannon integrates technologies and social learning tools to strengthen workplace alignment, enhance collaboration and increase learning connectivity.

As author of “Disruptive Learning” Shannon frequently speaking at conferences across North America and Europe and ranks as one of the top 100 L&D influencers on Twitter (@stipton).

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