It’s Day 28 of our 30 Day Brainstorm Challenge – Just do it!
There are only a couple of days left in the 30 Day challenge for me. I’m sure I’ll be reflecting on what I learned and the goals that I set personally. Giving myself more than a few moments of reflection. There have been a few people who have stuck with it, and I’ll talk about those brave souls on day 30. There have been others who have popped in and popped out, and always with wonderfully insightful thoughts to share.
As I sat again today in front of a blank page, yet with a brain full of thoughts I wondered…what should I write that will appeal to you, my reader. It was there where I had my aha moment. I had spent yesterday writing and rewriting a newsletter that went out today that had an exciting announcement (and a big offer) to share. Maybe you saw it, if not – here it is.
Just Do It!
Why was I agonizing over it, you may ask? Because the newsletter had an “offer” in it. I was worried my readers would see this offer, be turned off and ultimately unsubscribe. This is the fear of every business that has a mailing list. Finally, I told myself to “just do it”. I advise people all the time to be who they are, and I was excited about this announcement! So to heck with it. I scheduled it to be sent out and then holding my breath, I checked the numbers this morning. Sure enough, there were unsubscribes staring back at me. More than normal (one always expects a few with each newsletter, people unsubscribe for a variety of reasons, sometimes it’s by accident).
There is was, self-doubt. I was questioning myself, was sending this out the right thing to do? Then it really hit me. All this self-doubt over one newsletter announcement? Really? I am a Learning Rebel. Rebel is what I do. It’s what WE do. Being a Rebel means being publishing not only items the reader wants to read, but items that need to be written.
Make a Difference, Be Weird!
So, my rebel friends – those of you who have hung in there with me, not only during this 30 Day Brainstorm Challenge, but for the 3 plus years that this blog has been in action, together we have made a difference. I know this from emails received, tweets gotten, and FB messages that are sent my way. Therefore, I am going to worry less about offending a few, and doing what Learning Rebels do, work to save the world from boring and mediocre training.
Not everything created is a diamond, but what’s important is that we all put ourselves out there. Do the best work we can do for the people on the receiving end. But also, do the best work for yourself. If you aren’t happy with your work, then it makes no difference how other people receive it. You have to look at yourself in the mirror each morning.
For all you who have ever doubted yourself: In the words of Seth Godin: We are all weird. Let weird be the new normal. For me here on this page, and for you, out there in corporateville. Do things that make a difference, not just for your world – but for you. Be weird.
NO! It’s not too late to join! See the original 30 Day Brainstorm Challenge post here
See previous post: Day 27: Dust Bunnies!
Check out the variety of participants and their challenge entries on the Learning Rebels Facebook page here